




father figure ?胯?? ; ?朵翰褰㈣薄 ; ?哥?告??浜?/p>

your father 浣??哥? ; 浣????朵翰 ; 浣????哥? ; 浣????朵翰濂藉??


What do you do with your father ?






渚??ワ?After the birth of his child, this boy became a father. 



渚??ワ?The child went to the zoo with her dad.




渚??ワ?He fathered three children.





????? [f?:(r)]??缇? [f?]

??????璇? ?朵翰; 澶╃?? 绁???; (灏ゆ??澶╀富????涓?姝f????)绁???/p>

???????╁?ㄨ? ??涓虹?朵翰; ??绔?(?版????; ????; ????(?版?规?)



????1. He fathered a daughter at the age of fifty.


????2. Einstein fathered relativity.



????1. Clinton declined to discuss her father's relationship with the White House intern, drawing applause when she told the young man that it was none of his business.

????2. Hamilton has been without a manager since he and his father Anthony decided this time last year to end their business relationship.

????3. I was wearing an old business suit of my father's and I sat in the back row.

????4. His father had 5 years earlier burned him very badly in an act of revenge against his former wife.

????5. It's about a wealthy young woman named Charlotte whose stockbroker father is busted for embezzling millions from his clients.

????6. After police arrested him and two more officers arrived, police said the father pulled out a butcher knife and tried to stab an officer.

????7. Gerard Butler believes his commitment issues with women are caused by the fact his father didn't raise him.

????8. Tu's father claimed Wang had lit the fire with his cigarette butt, but the court rejected this after reviewing evidence from fire authorities.

????9. The boy's father discovered that the card had been used after the old woman's death when he tried to buy more credit on the card.


????A Heavy Smoker-(?惧??瀛?)

????A锛?You really should stop smoking, you know.


????B锛?I know. I know. I don??t smoke too much, though.


????A锛?How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?


????B锛?About a pack, more if I drink.


????A锛?Wow. You??re really a heavy smoker.


????B锛?No, I??m not. My father smoked two packs a day for forty years.


????A锛?He died of lung cancer, right?


????B锛?Yeah??ou??re right. I really should stop smoking.


????Psychological Counseling-(蹇????ㄨ?)

????A锛?One of my students told me she was very depressed today.




????A锛?Her father is dying.


????B锛?Oh, that??s very sad.


????A锛?Yeah, she??s broken up about it, poor kid.


????B锛?What did you do?


????A锛?I talked to her for a while, but she??s really depressed. So, I made an appointment with the school counselor for her.


????B锛?That??s a good idea. The counselor is a psychologist. He??s better trained to handle these sorts of things.


????A锛?Yeah, that??s what I told her. I??m glad she??s reaching out for help, instead of trying to deal with this on her own.


????B锛?Yeah, me too.
