curtain是什么意思很多人对这个问题比较感兴趣,下面让我们一起来看curtain涔 璇﹁Вcurtainㄦ锛,希望可以帮助到你。
curtain???涔????? 璇﹁Вcurtain????????ㄦ?锛?
1. 绐?甯?
2. ???板???br />
n.甯?锛?绐?甯?锛?骞?锛?甯峰?锛?骞??剁?╋????界?╋?灞???锛?锛????颁???锛?骞?锛?甯峰?锛?寮?骞?锛?骞?????藉?锛????锛? vt.缁??﹁?涓?绐?甯?锛?缁??︽??涓?甯峰?锛?
1.a curtain of rain/smoke? / ??骞?
2.She pushed back the curtain of brown hair from her eyes.濂规??妫??茬??澶村??浠??煎???㈠?拌??????
3.When I saw he had a gun, I thought it was curtains for me.??涓?瑙?浠??????灏辨?宠?涓?瀛???绠????浜???
4.His sudden decision to retire brought down the curtain on a distinguished career.浠?绐??跺?冲???浼?缁???浜?浠???灏辨???剁????涓???娑???
5.It was ten in the morning but the curtains were still drawn (= closed) .宸叉???╀?10?归??浜?锛????甯?杩???????
6.(figurative)The curtain has fallen on her long and distinguished career (= her career has ended) .濂归?f极?胯????灏卞??????浜?涓???娑?凡??缁?????
? [ˈkɜ:tn] 缇? [ˈkɜ:rtn]
绐?甯?锛??ㄥ?; 甯?骞?涔??╋?骞?甯?; ???锛??藉?
缁?锛?绐??锋???块?达?瑁?涓?甯?瀛?; ?╄??br />缃?缁?
绐?甯?; 甯?骞?; 绐?甯?甯?
澶??帮? curtains
????? [ˈkə:tn] 缇? [ˈkɚtn]
????1. I found myself behind a curtain, necking with my best friend'swife.
????2. A curtain acted as a divider between this class and another.
????3. The shops also offer a keenly priced curtain-making service.
????4. He saw something dark disappear behind the curtain of leaves.
????5. The curtain came down after the first act.
????6. They took 23 curtain calls.
????7. She pulled the curtain aside.
????8. He was carrying out the plan behind the curtain.
????9. Corrupt officials always try to draw the curtain over their corruption.
????10. Do you think you can piece this torn curtain?
????浣?璁や负浣??芥??杩????寸??绐?甯?琛ュソ ?? ?
????11. Drawing the curtain aside, he looked down into the street.
????浠?灏?绐?甯????颁?杈? 淇??琛???.
????12. His wife hung a beautiful curtain over the window.
????13. The land is enveloped in a curtain of darkness.
????14. The curtain fell to the loud applause of the audience.
????15. Our infantry was protected by a curtain of artillery fire.