????? [tre(r)]??缇? [tr]
??????璇? 瀹???; ??瀹?; ???惰储瀹?; 涓????寰???浜烘??
???????╁?ㄨ? ????; ??瑙?; ??瑙?; ?ㄥ?
????1. I treasure up my father's dying words.
????2. I treasure your friendship.
????3. We treasure our friendship.
????1. ???惰储瀹?
????Treasure is a collection of valuable old objects such as gold coins and jewels that has been hidden or lost.
????e.g. It was here, the buried treasure, she knew it was.
????2. ????锛???瀹?(灏ゆ???烘??????????
????Treasures are valuable objects, especially works of art and items of historical value.
????e.g. The house was large and full of art treasures.
????3. ????;??瑙?;????/p>
????If you treasure something that you have, you keep it or care for it carefully because it gives you great pleasure and you think it is very special.
????e.g. She treasures her memories of those joyous days.
????4. 寰????╂??;濂藉府??
????If you say that someone is a treasure, you mean that they are very helpful and useful to you.
????e.g. Charlie? Oh, he's a treasure, loves children.
????1. Rich marine resources are an inexhaustible treasure of Phoenix Island.
????2. For in the darkest moment it becomes vividlyclear that life is a priceless treasure.
????3. A faithful friend is a strong defence: and he that hath found him, hath found a treasure.
????4. A faithful friend is a sturdy shelter; he who finds one finds a treasure.
????5. The Tirshatha gave to the treasure a thousand drams of gold, fifty baso, five hundred and thirty priests'garments.
????6. One may fall in love with many people during the lifetime. When you finallyget your own happiness, you will understand the previous sadness iskind of treasure, which makes you better to hold and cherish the peopleyou love.
treasure ???涔?????
璇婚?筹?? ['treʒə(r)]锛?缇? ['treʒər]
n. 璐㈠?锛?璐?骇锛?璐㈠?锛?????
vt. ???憋?????
渚??ワ?The police found the lost treasure in an abandoned well.
璇婚?筹?? [wel胃]锛?缇? [wel胃]
??涔?锛?n. 璐㈠?锛?澶ч??锛?瀵???
渚??ワ?The wealth of fresh water greatly facilitates the life of the local people.
roll in wealth 寮?甯稿???
a period of wealth 绻??f?舵??
a wealth of 澶ч????锛?涓板???
The treasure had lain undisturbed for centuries??
It was here, the buried treasure, she knew it was??
His greatest treasure is his collection of rock records??
treasure ship 瀹?? ; ??瀹??广??
Treasure Hunter 瀹?????浜 ; ??瀹?涓?瀹 ; 瀵诲???浜 ; 瀹??╃??浜恒??
buried treasure ??瀹? ; 瀹??? ; ????????瀹? ; ??????瀹?????
treasure [??ˈtreʒə(r) [缇?]ˈtrɛʒɚ
n. ???惰储瀹?;瀹???;??瀹?;涓????寰???浜烘??
vt. ??瑙?;????;??瑙?;?ㄥ?
[渚???Here 's a guide to finding the buried treasure.
璇烽??绾?br />
~濡???浣?璁ゅ????????绛?锛?璇峰???剁?瑰?汇????绾充负婊℃????绛???????br />~~???烘???????????ㄥ??风??充?瑙?璇?浠风?广??婊℃?????冲????