钢铁侠经典台词有哪些 钢铁侠经典台词


和平,我热爱和平 。但真要太和平了 我就没饭吃了

Yeah,I love peace. I d be out of job with peace.

这个世界并不完美 但我们也别无选择

Its an imperfect world,but its the only one weve got.

我跟你保证,要是哪天不用再拿武器换和平了,我就改行建 儿童医院去。

I guarantee you,the day weapons are no longer needed to keepthe peace. Ill start making bricks and beams for baby hospital.


Peace means having a bigger stick than other guy.


It would be irresponsible not to drink . Im just talking about a nightcap.